新潟の伝統工芸と繋がる タクミクラフト

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Hammered Iron Frying Pan


投稿日:2022年6月23日 更新日:

Iron Frying Pan for Outdoor Activities

Kondo Takahiko + takumicraft.com

A limited-edition product of takumicraft.com
Japanese page English page

Uniqueness of Handcrafted Products

By pounding away diligently on a piece of heated iron with a wooden hammer, an artisan blacksmith worked his magic and forged this iron frying pan. For that reason, each pan is unique, whether they are the imprints left on the iron surface, or the subtle waves of the edges. The distinctive markings are proof that the skillet was handcrafted and not machine-made. Also, during the baking step of the iron pan’s seasoning process, depending on the condition of the flame, fingerprint-like imprints are created on the surface making each pan unique.

Kondo Takahiko + takumicraft.com
KONDO FACTORY CO.,LTD. Echigo Sanjo Blacksmith

The Blacksmith Mr. Takahiko Kondo at the exhibiton of Takumicraft 2022

Meticulously Hand-hammered Iron Makes Frying Pan Special

Forged by a blacksmith who endlessly hammered a piece of iron into shape, the frying pan is a handcrafted cookware. Heat travels well through iron and is ideal for cooking over open fire such as bonfires. Since the handle is detachable, the frying pan can also be used as a plate, and can be used over indoor cook-tops like wood-burning stoves or gas stoves. The pans are pre-seasoned and heated so they are ready-to-use. With proper care by completely drying the surface after each use, the iron frying pan can be used for many years and will last you a lifetime.

A limited-edition product of takumicraft.com

Iron Frying Pan with a Detachable Handle

KONDO FACTORY CO.,LTD. Echigo Sanjo Blacksmith Mr. Takahiko Kondo in collaboration with takumicraft

material: Iron thickness 2.3mm
size (approx.): ø207 〜 210mm
L420mm (with handle)/ L245mm (handle only) H40 mm

comes with a dedicated pouch

About Echigo Sanjo Uchihamono

Sanjo City, Niigata Prefecture, whereKONDO FACTORY CO., LTD. is based, is a region with a history of over 400 years of metalworking. It is believed that the industry’s roots can be traced back to Japanese nails, which have been manufactured since the early Edo Era. Starting with saws, filing equipment, sickles and hoes, and later, knives now used by renowned chefs worldwide, as well as carpentry tools like wood planes, the industry evolved into a manufacturer of a wide variety of hammered blades. The Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry of Japan has designated ten items as Japan’s traditional crafts from Echigo-Sanjo Uchihamono.

more details

Care & Maintenance Instructions

dry up

■ The frying pans are ready-to-use because they have been pre-seasoned and oil-baked, however if the smell of the iron bothers you, try smoking old stored rice or vegetable scraps in the pan once before use.
■ When using the handle, check to see if it is properly attached onto the pan before use.
■ When cooking over open fire, please use protective gear such as leather campfire gloves to prevent burning accidents.

wash out

■ After use, be sure to thoroughly dry your frying pan before storing. Wash lightly with water (wash lightly with neutral detergent if the pan is very dirty) or scrub the pan with a brush without using water, add a little amount of oil into the pan over open fire or a stove, heat the pan over fire until you see some smoke arise, and lastly, make sure to evaporate any moisture left on the pan.

■ Avoid using on IH cooktops.




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