新潟の伝統工芸と繋がる タクミクラフト

触れる - 新潟の伝統工芸の展示会など


Exciting news for all crafts lovers!

【Event Finished】The 36th Niigata Traditional Craft Exhibition in Nagaoka, NIIGATA

開催:OPEN from 10:00~17:00 on 1st to 2nd February, 2020(Sunday 〜16:00)at Nagaoka City Hall Aore, Nagaoka-shi


投稿日:2020年1月26日 更新日:

Japanese page English page

3イベントが一堂に集結!! ものづくり・科学フェア 第36回新潟県伝統的工芸品展

Thank you very much for visiting the exhibition in Nagaoka, NIIGATA. See you our next event in May at Northern Culture Museum in Niigata!

Exciting news for all crafts lovers!

The annual exhibition will be held on 1st and 2nd February in Nagaoka. 9 traditional Niigata crafts will welcome you at Nagaoka City Hall Aore.
This time three big exhibitions will happen jointly at the same venue again. One is called the Youngster’s Science Festival, and the other one is called the Nagaoka Manufacturing Fair 2020. And the third exhibition is our 35th Niigata Traditional Crafts Exhibition.
You can make crafts with the experts in the workshops, and also buy some traditional crafts and other items from the selected shop at our exhibition. Each exhibition has exciting events and programs. We have a stamp rally for the three exhibitions, so don’t forget to stamp your card when you join workshops. When you have 5 stamps, there will be a small present waiting for you.
We look forward to seeing you all there!

2020 1 Sat. and 2 Sun. February

OPEN 10:00ー17:00(Sunday till 16:00)

Site:Nagaoka City Hall Aore
1-4-10 Otedori, Nagaoka-shi, Niigata
They do not have a free parking lot.
entrance fee: free
You have to pay for the workshops with craftsmen.

9 Participant Crafts

新潟県伝統的工芸品展2019 産地マップ

1 Murakami Kibori Tsuishu
Murakami Carved and Lacquered Ware
2 Niigata Shirone Butsudan
Niigata Shirone Household Buddhist Altars
3 Kamo Kiri Tansu
Kamo Paulowina Chests
4 Sanjo Butsudan
Sanjo Household Buddhist Altars
5 Echigo Sanjo Uchihamono
Echigo Sanjo Blacksmith
6 Nagaoka Butsudan
Nagaoka Household Buddhist Altars
7 Ojiya Chijimi / Ojiya Tsumugi
Ojiya Ramie Crepe / Ojiya Pongee
8 Tokamachi Gasuri / Tokamachi Akashi chijimi
Tokamachi Ikat / Tokamachi Akashi Crepe
9 Shiozawa Tsumugi / Hon Shiozawa
Shiozawa Pongee / Shiozawa Fabrics
(from north to south on map)

Host:Niigata Traditional Craft Products Industry Promotion Association
Inquiry:Niigata Traditional Craft Products Industry Promotion Association Office Tel.+81 (0)254-53-1745
MAIL tsuishukumiai@aq.wakwak.com

Workshops with Craftsmen

You have to pay for the workshops with craftsmen on each booth.


メールアドレスが公開されることはありません。 が付いている欄は必須項目です


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