Kamo Kiri Tansu Kamo Paulowina Chests
加茂市 Kamo City
Due to the high humidity in Japan, the chest is made of kiri (paulownia). Since olden times, it is considered an ideal material for containers in which you can keep expensive clothes such as cashmeres, wools and silks. The chest is famous for keeping the temperature and its moisture contents at a certain level so that it can protect goods even in fire.
加茂簞笥協同組合 TEL 0256-52-0445
WEB http://www.chuokai-niigata.or.jp/kiritansu/ja/
MAIL tansukumiai@ginzado.ne.jp
MOVIE: 匠の手制作プロジェクト 「匠の手」加茂桐簞笥ショートムービー 出演:坪谷 哲男さん