あるフランスの友人が、河童橋で奥さんへのプレゼントを見つけ、じっくり眺めた後に値段も気にせず買っていたので聞きました。「節約旅行をしているのに、値札を見ないの?」 すると友人は言いました。「だって愛する人にピッタリのものは、見つけたこと自体が奇跡でしょう? 見つけるまで探し続けるし、いいものはずっと大事にするよ。」と。
タクミクラフト takumicraft.com
Takumi Craft: Timeless Artisanship Takes Time
The works shown here are unique, rarely found anywhere else. These craftsmen have combined their techniques, sharpened over decades of careful, detailed work, with an eye on innovative ideas – and some of these imaginative ideas were born in the midst of their focus on their traditional lifework. They can be seen as beautiful, playful, everyday items or, depending on the depth of your appreciation, as works of art.
What is important to know is that all of these works take time to produce, and cannot be made quickly. We ask you to be patient while awaiting delivery, and that you appreciate the anticipation you’ll experience imagining the piece being made moment to moment. In today’s fast-paced world, it makes your purchase all the more valuable.